I create this Content Management System as my Final year Project.
Content management system is a web based application which help
individual, company,web designer and administrators to create and manage
website easily.
This project aim to simplify web development by giving people a
tools to simplify creation of beautiful website or blog and management
of that website.
Some features of the software will be:
- Creating a website or blog.
- Change theme of that website.
- Managing that website.
First on thing tou need to do is to install this system in your Web server Directory
if you are using WAMP SERVER just copy system files and paste in www folder.
After that open your web-browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox then in URL bar write localhost Or
When you open that link the following display will appear
You need to follow the instruction in order to install this system succesifull
- Go to your Database and create a database.
- Go in config file available in controller Folder and edit it by providing your database
name, hostname and the password
- Fill the form by providing
- Site Type
- Site Name
- Admin Email
- Admin Username
- Admin Password
- Re-enter Admin Password
Note: The following button used to change language just click it to change language
After filling all the input required then click Create
Tables will be created in the database you specified then login to your account
by using Admin Username and Password
After that click Login then if the provided username and password is correct to the one
in the database then you will be logged in else if the provided username and password is incorrect to
the one in the database then you will need to repeate logging in.
This is the page that you will see when logging in
- Site Type
- Site Name
- Admin Email
- Admin Username
- Admin Password
- Re-enter Admin Password
After filling all the input required then click Create
Tables will be created in the database you specified then login to your account by using Admin Username and Password
After that click Login then if the provided username and password is correct to the one in the database then you will be logged in else if the provided username and password is incorrect to the one in the database then you will need to repeate logging in.
This is the page that you will see when logging in
can you give me a sql file where i can import database file?
without database i can't see project.
Table are automatically created
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